Privacy Policy

Our allegiance to protecting your personal data at www. is based on our worth of your privacy. This privacy statement explains the types of information we could collect, our potential uses for it, and our choices for managing it.

What Data We Gather?

We might get the following types of information once you visit our website:

Information Usage: We may collect information about your visits to our website, including the pages you read, the links you click, and the duration of time you spend there.

They might contain your IP address, browser type, and device information.

Contact Details: We will obtain your name and email address if you get in touch with us via our contact form.

How Information Is Used?

The following are the uses of the data we gather:

Website Operation: Download the Fire Kirin app and access our website’s essential features.

Enhancing Our Website: Examining usage trends will help us determine how to make our website more user-friendly.

Communication: To answer your questions and get in touch with you if required.

Information Exchange: We only divulge your personal information to outside parties under specific conditions, like:

Service Companies: We could give your information to third parties who help us run our website, such as analytics companies.

Legal Compliance: Information may be disclosed if we feel it is necessary to uphold a court order, safeguard our legal rights, or if we are mandated by law to do so.

Information Security: Your data is protected from unauthorized access and disclosure using the security precautions we take. Recall, though, that no security precaution is flawless.

User Options: Regarding your data, you have some control:

Cookies: You may control cookies in most browsers by blocking or removing them. Please be aware that this could impact how well our website works.

CCPA Privacy Rights: Please Don’t Sell My Data

Given that www….. is centred around an app that is probably aimed at Californian customers, it is a good idea to include a section on the California Consumer Privacy Act in your website’s privacy policy. The following is how to include a section on

CCPA Privacy Rights:

Privacy Rights Under the CCPA

Californians are entitled to access their personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). If you live in California, you are entitled to the following rights:

Ask for more details regarding the categories and particular types of personal data we gather, utilize, and share about you.

Request the limited removal of your personal information.

Refuse to enable your personal information to be sold. (Note: Since you most likely aren’t selling user data, you may clarify this.

It would help if you did not face prejudice for using your CCPA rights.

How to Use Your Rights Under the CCPA?

You can email us at info@.. to exercise your CCPA rights. Before completing your request, we must confirm your identity.

Additional Details

Visit the California Attorney General’s website at for more details on the CCPA.

Important Details

You should seek legal advice from a CCPA compliance specialist to ensure your website complies with all of the Act’s obligations. This is crucial since Fire Kirin APK may gather user information and the website may be directed towards Californians.

Children’s personal space 

We do not intentionally gather personal data from those below the age of 18, and children are not the target user base for our website.

Modifications to This Policy

We substitute the right to modify this concealment policy at any time. We shall post any modifications to the policy on our website so that you are informed of them.